Friday, November 5, 2010

Boys In the Kitchen

Did you ever have one of those Mom moments where, after slaving away in a hot kitchen to prepare a delicious meal, you watch as your teenage sons stumble from their rooms, bleary-eyed and blinking from the harsh glare of light...any light, to the dinner table. And as you watch your children shove food in their mouth, you realize --

Your children have no survival skills, whatsoever.

I realized that the other day.

I know it's partly my fault. I have an obsessive-compulsive side (although you wouldn't know it to look at my housekeeping skills...or lack of). I like things done my way. When they are done my way, they are done quickly and efficiently and I am happy because they way.

So I don't often invite my kids into my kitchen. Because my children are neither quick nor efficient. I actually nicknamed my oldest son "Sloth". That boy will take the long way around to go anywhere.

But I realized that when I was their age, I could cook whole meals. I knew how to preheat an oven and I knew how to use a timer. I could cook, fry, boil, broil and bake.

I decided my sons need to learn their way around the kitchen.

So tonight, they will be cooking me dinner for a change...they just don't know it yet. I will supervise, of course...and provide band-aids and burn gel. They will season and prep, cut and chop, boil, broil and bake.

And then they will learn to clean up after themselves.

I'll post pictures and we can all laugh and laugh and laugh...

Photo Credit: julosstock/